Rex Moughan - fondator & CEO

When you close your eyes, what do you see? Can you envision yourself having the lifestyle you want? Where are you? What are you doing? 33 years ago, I had a vision and that vision grew into a goal, then into a way of life, and eventually it became my reality. Without first having a vision of what was possible, I could not be where I am today.
So many people talk about vision but what does it really mean? I believe it is our ability to see what others can’t, the faith to believe what others won’t, and the courage to do what others say cannot be done. Vision provides us the courage to seek opportunities that others would see as improbable or too difficult, and to take risks that others might pass by because of the possibility of failure.
I believe that every great accomplishment begins with a vision. People need vision to motivate them to actions that they otherwise wouldn’t think were possible. If we lose sight of our vision, we lose our focus. We move forward with no direction or purpose, and that is almost worse than not moving forward at all.
Look into your future and see what you want to become, what you want to accomplish, and how you want to live your life. Then shape that into your vision and act on it. One great way to make your vision more real is by creating your “Dreambook”. A Dreambook forces you to create concrete examples of what your vision is – extra money, cars, a house, education – whatever you believe your vision will make possible. Your Dreambook provides a constant reminder of what your vision is and a very real example of what your vision will produce. It provides motivation to push on even in the most difficult times.
An important thing to remember about your vision is that you must share it with others. As a leader, when you show your team and potential distributors your vision, you are essentially giving them a road map to their own vision. With each person you reach, your vision will become more defined and will push you further. As you share your vision, and work to make it a reality, your success will be greater than you ever imagined.
My vision for Forever has never wavered – provide people the opportunity for better health and wealth. This is just as true and certainly just as essential today as it was in 1978. I have shared this vision with millions all over the world and am so proud of what we have accomplished together. I encourage each one of you to develop your own vision that combines your personal goals with your business expectations. Remember, you are free to build your vision and work for it anyway you want with Forever. That is the essence of our “Be Free” motto this year. So aim high!

Forever Yours,

Rex Maughan
Founder & CEO

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